26. October 2017 · Comments Off on Some Healthy Tips To Help Induce Labor In Pregnant Women Who Are Past Their Due Date · Categories: Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine

Are you painstakingly anticipating baby’s due date which seems to take forever? Still no sign of any labor pain yet? Don’t worry. The fact is 70 percent of all newborns are born late. So you’ll probably have to wait a few days at least before you can expect your child regardless of what your doctor told you about the time it would reveal itself to the world. Doctors tend to recommend inducing labor if after a week to ten days you still haven’t got into labor. Cesarean section may be recommended if your baby or you have special health concerns; otherwise, there’s no need to medically induce labor to rush a pregnancy.

If by week 42 of your pregnancy, you are burdened with feelings of mental anguish and physical discomfort, the following are some healthy advices to help induce labor naturally.

To initiate labor, every pregnant woman can follow some basic tips to make it go a lot faster. These are all home remedies that are natural.

To promote the induction of labor naturally, you need to make some simple adjustments to your diet one of which is to eat spicy foods that are known to induce labor. Other drinks or foods that can bring about a similar effect include tea, orange juice drank with castor oil, and pineapples. In tea, Red Raspberry Leaf Tea is one of the most helpful in this area.

One other important tip to induce labor naturally is to be physically active. You can set off contractions be merely making an effort to walk more often. This can even help position the fetus so that it can be delivered easily. Movement can set the baby into a position in which its head is pressed down onto your cervix, which brings it in a proper position for labor.

Engaging in sex is one other way (and more enjoyable than walking) to be active. Pregnant women whose bellies are huge may find this unappealing more so when they’re fatigued and feeling uncomfortable. The fact is, however, sex is one of the best ways to bring about labor. The reason for this is during sex, a hormone known as oxytocin is produced by the woman. This hormone causes her uterus to contract. On the other end, the semen of the man contains another hormone known as prostaglandin and when it enters into the woman, softens her cervix. However, if you are not keen on making love, another sexual act that can release your oxytocin and thus induce labor is to stimulate your nipple.

The therapies of acupressure (massage) and acupuncture are two very powerful and pleasurable ways to induce labor.

Other recommendations include herbs and oils. Some of the most commonly used herbs to naturally induce labor are black and blue cohosh and Clary Sage Oil.

These tips hopefully can help you become a mother soon. Don’t get tensed and nervous if your baby still insists on hanging on. Just relax, sit back and do one or more of these natural therapies to facilitate the process.

Jamie Catlett is a board certified and licensed acupuncturist and the founder of Jacksonville Acupuncture Clinic in Jacksoville, FL.

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