A lot of individuals know that acupuncture is the physical act of inserting hair-thin needles into the skin in order to heal the body and help a person to relax. Acupuncture goes way beyond than the mere sticking of needles into the skin. The Chinese have used acupuncture to restore balance to the chi of the individual. Chi is known as the vital energy in … Continue reading
Being a peripheral neural facial disorder, Bell’s palsy can lead to facial paralysis. This is due to damage to the facial nerve (7th cranial nerve). The paralysis of the facial nerve results in symptoms that can include (on the affected side) tingling around the lips, distortion of taste (particularly on 67% of the tongue), eye tearing or lacrimation, problem moving the facial muscles on … Continue reading
In Southeast Asia, women are less prone to premenstrual syndrome (PMS) than women living in the United States. The US has about 70% to 90% women with PMS symptoms. Researchers have attributed the marked difference in rate of PMS symptoms between women in Southeast Asia and the US from factors such as social structure, and living style. Premenstrual syndrome is known as a dysfunction of … Continue reading
Menopause is a natural phase in a woman’s life; the problem, however, is that it comes not without any health issues in women and sadly, some of these symptoms can be debilitating. The most common symptoms that menopause can cause are hot flashes. They are widely reported by around 70% to 85% of women. The second most frequently occurring menopausal symptom is night sweats. They … Continue reading
A woman who is still not in pre-menopause has amenorrhea when she does not experience any menstruation at all. If a female does not undergo menstruation by the time she reaches 16 years of age, her amenorrhea is termed as primary amenorrhea. Secondary amenorrhea, on the other hand, means that the woman (if she is not breastfeeding, not in menopause or not pregnant) has not … Continue reading
Infertility has certainly, so to speak, a unique connection to acupuncture. However, before we look into that, we first need to get to know the methods of acupuncture.
Acupuncture has been practiced way, way back 5,000 years ago in China. It is widely practiced in other East Asian countries and some of them have their own unique way of performing acupuncture. A little over 5 … Continue reading